Just Because

How to Save Anyone’s Instagram Photos

Within the past few months, the super popular (and super slick) mobile app Instagram has established a web presence at instagram.com. Originally you were only able to view other people’s (and your own) Instagram photos within the mobile app. Now, you are able to view these images on the Web; in even greater dimensions!

One thing that has always been a pain with Instagram, however, is that they don’t allow you to save other people’s Instagram photos (or your own, though you do have a copy stored on the device you took the picture on). Sure, you can take a screenshot of the image in the app, but this is far from ideal. There is simply no way in the mobile app to save the image to one’s own phone storage. They don’t allow you to do this in the web version either. Try it for yourself; log into your Instagram account (in another window, of course ;p), and try right-clicking on someone’s image and see if there’s a “Save image as…” option. I’ll wait.

Ok, so you’ve seen that you can’t do that. Bummer. Well, here’s a sneaky little way to be able to save anyone’s Instagram photos using the Web version of Instagram. Note that I am using Google Chrome, but these steps basically will be the same for any web browser (no guarantees for Internet Explorer, of course):

1. Go to Instagram.com and right-click on an image. Click the “inspect element” option.

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2. In the developer tools window that is now displayed, check out the (CSS) “Styles” section for the background-image property.

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3. Right-click on the URL, and open it up in a new tab or window.

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4. This will open just the image in the browser. Now, right click on the image and you’ll happily see the option to “Save Image As…”. There ya go, you can now save the image to your hard drive!

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I hope you found this helpful. Please feel free to leave any questions or the like in the comments below!

– Matt

P.S. Please use this for good. Don’t save other people’s images and claim them as your own or not give proper credit where credit is due! 

