Hello & Welcome!

Speak To Me/Breathe

First, let me start by saying welcome to our new blog. This has been in the works for a while, but we finally have a platform for myself and some of my friends to merrily write about our favorite topics that we may or may not be semi-experts on.  Expect a heavy dose of sports and music, but always be ready for a change-up (sports pun intended) in topic to keep you on your toes and hopefully entertain you. In the coming hours, days, weeks, months (?!), I hope to have this place filled with some nice reading material. Some of it will piqué your interest, some of it will make you mad or in disagreement (for sure), some of it won’t matter to you one bit; in all, I hope we have something for everybody (even if it’s fodder for dem playa haters)!

Anyway, enough with the introductions.. welcome and enjoy yourself!

– Matt
