TV & Movies

A Quick Review: The Watch


A Quick Review:

The Watch

Very underrated comedy. The quirky writing and over the top (in a good way) acting is excellent. Ben Stiller plays the typical sadsuck character he does, but he does it well. Jonah Hill’s character is a little mentally-disturbed it seems, but he gets many hearty laughs for sure. Will Forte has some absolutely hilarious lines (and faces, below) in a minor role. He’s too funny a guy. I sometimes get sick of his act, but Vince Vaughn went to a different depth for his comedy, and it works so well. Super funny Vince Vaughn, and it’s a refreshing slight change up for him.

The production quality is very high. Very slick camera shots and animation, looked real good.

The story itself doesn’t make much sense, but that’s kind of the point. The scenes are almost all very funny. I don’t understand why this movie bombed. Definitely rent it soon if you need some solid laughs. 8.5/10


Just Because, Sports

My Ongoing Sports Prediction Thread


… And that’s a fact!


I tend to make bold statements. I really get a kick out of getting people all worked up when I spew opinions as if they are stone cold fact. When I think something is a certain way, and I’m stern about it, that really means I think I am right and would be shocked if I were wrong.

To see how full of shit I am, let us see how well I do at making some sports projections. Determine if I know even half of what I claim to. This should be fun 😁

This list will be an ever-growing thread of things I am going to predict on the fly. I’ll keep track of each’s current status (didn’t happen, hasn’t happened, did happen) and update accordingly. Some of these predictions will be much bolder than others. I’ll also give a confidence indication to demonstrate how passionate I am about my prediction. I’ll try to make at least one bold prediction a day. Sounds about right anyway!

On to the predictions!

Note: These will be in reverse order of when the prediction was made, so the last one is the oldest one and the top one is the newest.

Note: Confidence values range from one to three with 1 being “a little confident”, 2 being “confident”, and 3 being “that’s a fact!” Keep in mind I don’t tend to make predictions for stuff I’m not confident in.


Date – Prediction – Conf (1-3) – Status

8/12/2013 The Seahawks or the 49ers will represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. 3 N/A
7/9/2013 Michael Vick does not does not start more than 8 games for the Eagles this year. 3 N/A
7/9/2013 Rondo is NOT traded this entire season. 2 N/A
6/28/2013 Spain does not win the World Cup in 2014 2 N/A
6/28/2013 Both Paul Pierce (obviously) and Kevin Garnett will have numbers retired. 3 N/A
6/27/2013 Brett Brown will be the next Celtics Coach 1 False. Celtics chose Brad Stevens. Brown eventually chosen by the 76ers.
6/26/2013 Either Paul Pierce or KG is traded NBA draft night 2 Fact. Both traded draft night.
TV & Movies

A Quick Review: Warrior

A Quick Review:


Fantastic movie. The storyline is deeply-woven and always twisting deeper. The acting is nothing short of fantastic. I see Tom Hardy (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises) as our generation’s Robert de Niro. Highly recommend seeing this movie. 9/10



Amazing Dark Side of the Moon Animation

One of the coolest Dark Side images I’ve seen!


Amazing Dark Side of the Moon Animation

Just Because

How to Save Anyone’s Instagram Photos

Within the past few months, the super popular (and super slick) mobile app Instagram has established a web presence at Originally you were only able to view other people’s (and your own) Instagram photos within the mobile app. Now, you are able to view these images on the Web; in even greater dimensions!

One thing that has always been a pain with Instagram, however, is that they don’t allow you to save other people’s Instagram photos (or your own, though you do have a copy stored on the device you took the picture on). Sure, you can take a screenshot of the image in the app, but this is far from ideal. There is simply no way in the mobile app to save the image to one’s own phone storage. They don’t allow you to do this in the web version either. Try it for yourself; log into your Instagram account (in another window, of course ;p), and try right-clicking on someone’s image and see if there’s a “Save image as…” option. I’ll wait.

Ok, so you’ve seen that you can’t do that. Bummer. Well, here’s a sneaky little way to be able to save anyone’s Instagram photos using the Web version of Instagram. Note that I am using Google Chrome, but these steps basically will be the same for any web browser (no guarantees for Internet Explorer, of course):

1. Go to and right-click on an image. Click the “inspect element” option.

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 11.21.45 AM

2. In the developer tools window that is now displayed, check out the (CSS) “Styles” section for the background-image property.

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 11.22.04 AM

3. Right-click on the URL, and open it up in a new tab or window.

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 11.22.57 AM

4. This will open just the image in the browser. Now, right click on the image and you’ll happily see the option to “Save Image As…”. There ya go, you can now save the image to your hard drive!

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 11.23.19 AM

I hope you found this helpful. Please feel free to leave any questions or the like in the comments below!

– Matt

P.S. Please use this for good. Don’t save other people’s images and claim them as your own or not give proper credit where credit is due! 


TV & Movies

The BEST Arrested Development Main Character List


I don’t want no part of yo’ tight-ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Oh Arrested Development, what more needs to written about you? You know, not a whole lot more could be written about this unbelievable, timeless, witty, masterfully-written.. whoopsie, I meant not to heap more praise upon it. Not one day goes by where AD is not praised for its brilliance. Best comedy ever! … BEST SHOW EVER! It really is terrific, and I love it.. but I’ll let the professional writers honor it with hyberbole. I’ll stick to my bread and butter, Ordered Lists of Best “”!

Arrested Development’s main characters are generally considered to be the members of the Bluth/Funke family. I’m going to stick with that for this list. I’ll definitely try to do a minor character one day when I’m feeling ambitious, because there are so many classic characters on this show.

So without further ado, the top Arrested Development main characters, ranked in reverse order of awesomeness and favorite-ness:


9. Lindsay Bluth – She is definitely a necessary character, a “perfect Bluth”, if you will, but Portia de Rossi’s Lindsay simply lacks in the funny department. Some of the things that come out of her mouth or things she is accused of are hilarious and head-shaking at the same time, but never does she shine with the jokes. Necessary, great to have her on the show, but simply my least favorite main character.


8. George/Oscar Bluth – The first ambiguous character of this list, George is the patriarch of the family, and it’s easy to see where the rest of his kids’ quirkiness comes from. Of course Oscar, his (super) identical twin may also be the father of some of these kids, but who will really ever know? George is definitely the more major character of the two, but Oscar’s smoked-out hazy delivery is definitely funnier, and I think better. Regardless, the intricate story-telling of these two’s intertwined confusing web of literal “classic mix-ups” really exemplies the genius of Arrested Development.


7. Lucille Bluth – Mother. The “mother” of the family, Lucille is also the meanest.. by far. However, this means she is easily one of the best insult artists around. Arrested Development loves to slip “the c-word” (literally, say it out like that… good.) into its shows, and its usually aimed in the direction of Lucille.. for good reason. She’s coarse, cruel, and cranky, but she has to be considered one of the funniest “old ladies” in tv history. Faults are seen throughout the Bluth family, and all of them can be found in Mother. Don’t forget, she also has some of the most cringe-worthy lines on the show: “Oh Michael, Honey. I wanna cry so bad, but I don’t think I can spare the moisture.” Even some of her simpler lines are re-quotable treasures “No sugar for you, you just get more awful.” She’s the classic rich, white old lady, but to the 10th degree. Needless to say, Lucille has pretty much lost all sense of reality, and we all can benefit comically because of it.


6. Michael Bluth – Michael, the supposed “logical” one of the family, is Jason Bateman basically being Jason Bateman. He’s the quick-witted one to instantly point out the obvious (except to the person saying it) flaws in family member’s plans and ambitions. The one-two combo of his cracks and comebacks at the other characters radiates perfection. He can most certainly be a scene-stealer at times. No matter which character he is paired in a scene, their back-and-forth is guaranteed to end in laughter for the lucky viewer. He’s the glue of the family, and the glue of the show. He may not always be the funniest or most outlandish character on the show, but he’s guaranteed laughter, and the vehicle to keep the Arrested Development ship afloat.


5. Buster Bluth – Buster was very hard to rank. I sometimes feel like he’s the most underrated character on the show. Not only are his quotes “out there” (in a hilarious way), but his random bursts and freak-outs (“YA FREAK BITCH!”) are always highlights of the show. All the Bluths had unfortunate (-ly comical) upbrings, but none were as weird and perverse as Buster’s and his “special” relationship with his Mother Lucille. Of all the flashback cutscenes (the bread and butter of Arrested Development, in my opinion), Buster’s are typically the funniest and most head-scratching. They are usually so quick, and so bizarre, you question yourself about what you actually just saw. Most of the time, Buster is at the center of it.


4. George Michael Bluth- Before Michael Cera was Michael Cera, he was George Michael Bluth. I say he definitely is in the top 5 for best names on the show (in a very hotly-contested field), and definitely has the #1 weirdest relationship ever. That relationship, of course, is with his maybe-cousin Maeby. Maeby she is, maybe she isn’t. Anyway, that classic Cera character seen in Superbad, Juno, and anything else with him was first perfected here on Arrested Development. The king of awkward. Sometime it’s so hard to watch or listen, but it’s always incredibly classic.


3. Maeby Funke – The sassiest character on the show, and maybe the fastest-thinker of the bunch, Maeby brings the comedic heat with her mixture of perfect one-liners and general smartassedness (made up word, but you get the picture). I can’t exactly pinpoint all the awesome things I love that she does (beside her super strange relationship with cousin George Michael, which is INCREDIBLE), but she does it all. It doesn’t hurt that I also have a crush on her. If I were a girl, I’d want to be her. Ok, enough with the weirdness.. Fun fact: She’s Iraqi-American, what a combo!


2. Tobias Funke – David Cross perfects the lovably ambiguous Tobias; the noted first ever “analrapist (analyst and therapist).” Whether he’s “bluing” himself as an aspiring member of the Blue Man Group or dressed up as the strange English Nanny Mrs. Featherbottom (“Okay, who’d like a banger in the mouth? Oh, right. I forgot. Here in the States, you call it a sausage in the mouth.”) The king of double-entredres. Cross is a genius. Tobias is a character unlike any other.


1. G.O.B. Bluth – Will Arnett would often steal the show in the older Arrested Developments. In the fourth season, his two main episodes are most certainly two of the best, and his appearances in the other episodes would often highlight his show-stealing traits. It’s simply impossible to watch Gob for more than a minute without him doing or saying something that literally makes you laugh out loud. Whether it’s the duplicated classic “COME ONE!” or a gem one-line such as, “I hear the jury’s still out on science”, Arnett’s dynamo performance as G.O.B. is my favorite of Arrested Development!

Michael: You just thought you’d put the stand right here?
Gob: Did the research. Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold here on this boardwalk than anywhere in The O.C.?
Michael: Don’t call it that.

Hello & Welcome!

Speak To Me/Breathe

First, let me start by saying welcome to our new blog. This has been in the works for a while, but we finally have a platform for myself and some of my friends to merrily write about our favorite topics that we may or may not be semi-experts on.  Expect a heavy dose of sports and music, but always be ready for a change-up (sports pun intended) in topic to keep you on your toes and hopefully entertain you. In the coming hours, days, weeks, months (?!), I hope to have this place filled with some nice reading material. Some of it will piqué your interest, some of it will make you mad or in disagreement (for sure), some of it won’t matter to you one bit; in all, I hope we have something for everybody (even if it’s fodder for dem playa haters)!

Anyway, enough with the introductions.. welcome and enjoy yourself!

– Matt


Top 25 Nas Songs

Nas is like half-man/half-amazing

I present my ordered collection of what I consider Nas’ 25 best songs. These are limited to only Nas releases where he is the primary artist. Please pardon the triteness, but I totally agree that Nas’ best work was made right as he was first starting out in the early 1990s. His first album, Illmatic, is the greatest rap album ever made*. Perfect from start to finish, you’ll see it’s most certainly well-represented on this list. His second album, It Was Written also fares well here. Almost as classic as his first album, the album oozes that classic hip hop feel and Nas’ precise lyricism and delivery are at its peak.

Nas wasn’t done making classic songs with those two albums, but his excellence got a little sparser as the years went by. Nonetheless, he made plenty of fantastic hip hop gems after that. Take a look for yourself and I look forward to reading your comments on the matter of the legendary Nas. God’s Son or not, it’s hard not to consider him the greatest MC there’s ever been.

* Not up for debate, but feel free to Google it if you wanna validate this.

Listen to this list on Spotify: Best of Nas

The List:

  1. Nas – N.Y. State Of Mind – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  2. Nas – Nas Is Like – I Am…
  3. Nas – Shootouts – It Was Written
  4. Nas – One Mic – Explicit Album Version – Stillmatic
  5. Nas – It Ain’t Hard To Tell – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  6. Nas – Memory Lane (Sittin’ In Da Park) – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  7. Nas – The Message – It Was Written
  8. Nas – If I Ruled The World (imagine that) – It Was Written
  9. Nas – One Love – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  10. Nas – Ether – Stillmatic
  11. Nas – Rewind – Stillmatic
  12. Nas – Affirmative Action – It Was Written
  13. Nas – My Way – The Lost Tapes
  14. Nas – Halftime – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  15. Nas – Hate Me Now (featuring Puff Daddy) – I Am…
  16. Nas – The World Is Yours – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  17. Nas – Nas Is Coming – It Was Written
  18. Nas – Street Dreams – It Was Written
  19. Nas – The Don – Life is Good
  20. Nas – Represent – Explicit Album Version – Illmatic
  21. Nas – Accident Murderers – Life is Good
  22. Nas – Got Ur Self A… – Stillmatic
  23. Nas – Made You Look – God’s Son
  24. Nas – Nasty – Life is Good
  25. Nas – Purple – The Lost Tapes

By album, the list breaks down as such:

  1. Illmatic (1994): 7 tracks
  2. It Was Written (1996): 6 tracks
  3. Stillmatic (2001): 4 tracks
  4. Life is Good (2012): 3 tracks
  5. I am…: (2 tracks)
  6. The Lost Tapes (2002): 2 tracks
  7. God’s Son (2002): 1 track